sista surge media exposed
Unmasking Sasha Graham’s Dubious $6,500 Media Venture and Her Attack on The Stepping Razor
By Marsh (Edi) Baptise, Sharnellia Bennett-Smith, Ximena Rodríguez-López and Marie O’Nealle
New York, NY - Luna Lovegood on Ovarit wrote: “Do these people have media backgrounds? This seems a little overly ambitious for a brand-new project.” That simple question encapsulates the glaring issue at the heart of Sasha Graham’s latest financial appeal. Outside of smearing and fighting with people online, and claiming that she is being stalked and trafficked every minute, Sasha has no real credentials beyond social media. She has admitted that she never graduated from college, and a closer look at Graham’s background reveals another glaring issue: she lacks any formal education or experience in media production, journalism, or business management outside of making TikTok videos alerting people to her sex trafficking every eight minutes. Unlike legitimate media entrepreneurs who possess industry knowledge, Graham has no documented credentials in these areas. Instead, she has built a reputation on radical feminist rhetoric and online fundraising, with past endeavors that followed a similar pattern of high promises and little to no delivery.
SistaSurge Media Post on
OvarIt Comment Section
Sasha Graham’s Post on Reddit about the Stepping Razor
A person who is perpetually in turmoil, perpetually exposing this and that person, always engaged in personal vendettas, and fixated on imaginary enemies cannot be expected to successfully launch and sustain a professional enterprise.
For backstory, The Stepping Razor originated from a Discord group created over a year ago. The Stepping Razor is simply a collective of women who once knew Graham during her time in the West 4B WhatsApp group in 2024—a group from which she was ultimately removed due to her persistent requests for money.
After she was removed, she then created a Reddit snark page under the alias u/TruthExposed2025 and continued her smear campaign, telling anyone who would listen that she is being hunted, abused, harmed, and trafficked—despite the fact that every Stepping Razor writer is in New York City while she claims to be in Miami. As a 20-something-year-old, she has repeatedly informed anyone who would listen about her past in porn and history of drug use. Given her history of deception and manipulation, we should dig deeper into her Sister Surge Media venture, which she has been raising money for over the past eight months.
Sasha Graham claims that her media company will provide jobs for thousands of women and generate $350,000 in its first year. However, her proposed budget of just $6,500 to launch this ambitious venture is not only unrealistic but outright laughable to anyone familiar with the media industry. Establishing a fully functioning media company—complete with streaming platforms, original content, and widespread distribution—requires extensive financial investment, professional expertise, and a sustainable business model, none of which Graham has outlined in detail.
Media StartUp Cost Breakdown
A basic breakdown of costs in launching a media company would include:
Studio Equipment: Even a modest podcasting or video production setup requires microphones, cameras, editing software, and lighting, easily exceeding $10,000 for entry-level quality.
Website Development & Hosting: A functional website with secure hosting, design, and maintenance can range anywhere from $5,000 to $15,000.
Content Creation & Licensing: Producing original content, securing licensing for music and footage, and hiring editors costs thousands per month.
Marketing & Outreach: Even grassroots marketing via social media ads, branding, and PR costs at least $2,000-$5,000 for an effective campaign.
Roku Channel Setup & Maintenance: Roku requires significant capital and technical expertise. Channels require streaming servers, content distribution networks, and regular content updates, often costing tens of thousands annually.
Clearly, $6,500 would barely cover a fraction of the initial expenses, let alone sustain ongoing production. Yet, Graham offers no detailed financial breakdown—just broad, unspecific claims about "projected earnings" with no evidence.
Over the past eight months, with $3,500 in hand, Sasha has managed to purchase two $20 USB microphones, a $16 tripod and some cords she likely found under her bed. This is a sleight of hand in creating the illusion of progress while delivering no real returns.
Plainly put, given how popular and well-connected Sasha Graham is, Sista Surge Media should have been up and running by now. She should already have 600 women employed and signing checks on a daily.
Instead, she spends her time claiming she was abducted by a cult of women who have never met her in person or seen her face to face and claiming that people are out to murder her.
Two $20 USB Microphones and a Tripod
This does not sound like someone capable of running a high-profile media company, let alone holding the lives of women in her hands. She declared that we can’t be feminists—so we aren’t. We simply report the news. Sasha is the ultimate authority, the final word on all things radical feminism. She cast us out of the rad fem space, and for that, we are grateful. It is peaceful where we are. However, we will continue to track the money she’s collecting and report on any relevant news we uncover.
Sasha’s Screenshot of the sistersurge media landing page
sasha’s posted Receipt with no actual purchase proof
SisterSurge Media DonorBox Page
This is not the first initiative that Sasha Graham has launched within the past year. In our group, we counted at least 15 initiatives that Graham started witn no follow-up. By her own admission, when she wasn't doing porn, she initially claimed to be practicing 4B (a radical feminist philosophy emphasizing female separatism) alone. Then, upon discovering West 4B, she suddenly declared that she had been lured into a cult—gasp—and was trapped against her will. Her Twitter timeline is a constant stream of initiatives with no real follow-through—just busybody work with no actual results. She takes a single photo of herself outside, posed in front of a staged graffiti backdrop, and claims she has “boots on the ground,” urging people to donate to her cause. It’s pure performance at best—and it worked.
Anyone can scroll through Sasha’s online presence or even visit the website linked to her profile, and they’ll quickly notice nearly 20 different links—all with little activity and minimal engagement. This makes sense. As a former drug-addicted 20-something-year-old, she has a long-standing pattern of spreading herself thin, jumping from project to project, and rarely finishing anything she starts. And how could she?
Sasha is constantly entrenched in some kind of war, always accusing her so-called stalkers of “finding” her, repeatedly claiming that she has been stalked, abducted, harmed, trafficked, and abused. This cycle of never-ending crisis should be the biggest red flag for anyone considering contributing to one of her business ventures. A person who is perpetually in turmoil, perpetually exposing this and that person, always engaged in personal vendettas, and fixated on imaginary enemies cannot be expected to successfully launch and sustain a professional enterprise.
Beyond this, Sasha has also befriended individuals with criminal records for harassment and, rather conveniently, has now distanced herself from the very Reddit page she created to smear another woman, and the attack came from her hand first. All of this started because it was Sasha Graham who made that Reddit page in 2024. Without credentials, a feasible budget, or transparency in fund allocation, Graham’s latest scheme follows a predictable trajectory: collect funds, produce little to no tangible results, and then pivot to another venture when scrutiny intensifies.
Sasha has already made it clear that, in her view, feminism is not for all women—only for those who have lived tragic lives like hers. By that logic, we are excluded from her version of feminism. That’s fine. We’re not here to perform struggle narratives or fit into her narrow definition of activism. We’re here to report the news that impacts women worldwide—factually, objectively, and without the theatrics.
It is time to hold self-proclaimed leaders accountable and demand transparency in feminist funding efforts. The success of radical feminist media should be built on integrity and sustainable planning—not on false promises and manufactured outrage.