money in the budget

Where’s the Money, Honey? How Trans-Identified Males Get the Cash but Still Crash Women’s Spaces


Brooklyn, NY - Where is all the money? Where are all the donations? In 2024, we saw an astonishing outpouring of financial and legislative support for trans-identified males, championed by powerful men who eagerly shaped laws in their favor. Meanwhile, history shows us a very different story for women. Women fought tooth and nail for the simplest of rights—like opening a bank account in their own name—rights that were begrudgingly granted only after prolonged struggle. Yet today, men can walk into a government office and, with little resistance, alter their birth certificates, passports, driver’s licenses, sex markers, and names. It’s shocking. These changes, which would have been unimaginable for women, are now met with barely a raised eyebrow. The contrast is staggering.  When women needed resources to build abuse shelters and establish their own sports teams, they were left to fend for themselves without the financial backing of powerful allies. Meanwhile, trans-identified males have garnered more financial support than the world has ever witnessed for a marginalized group. They have been embraced with open arms, championed in media, and funded by corporations and governments alike. Commercials were even created to teach the world how to embrace the trans-identified male, urging society to coddle him further so he feels included in spaces where he doesn’t belong. In all my life, I have never seen a single commercial advocating for the world to treat women better—despite their immeasurable contributions and endless sacrifices. Instead, women are often brutalized, and that brutality has become a system, almost a religion, that men collectively subscribe to. Yet, despite this, some women continue to show up, support, and even financially back men who reward them with nothing more than a patronizing pat on the head for their obedience.  

With all the resources at their disposal, why aren’t trans-identified males using that funding to create their own leagues and spaces? They have the means to establish environments tailored specifically to their needs, yet the burden continues to fall on women’s spaces and opportunities to accommodate them. This disparity highlights the ongoing imbalance in how society supports men versus how it supports women; even men who identify as women are treated better than women. The global movement for trans rights has seen immense financial and social support in recent years, with millions of dollars in donations and funding allocated to trans advocacy, healthcare, and community-building. 

This widespread backing underscores the significant momentum behind the trans rights movement and highlights a key opportunity: trans individuals now have the resources to create their own dedicated spaces—spaces where they can celebrate their identities, support each other, and thrive—without encroaching on the hard-won spaces of women. The money is there. These men just seem to relish competing with women instead of creating their own spaces. They could easily build their own leagues—after all, they only need to ask, and the checks magically appear. Trans activists have received endless waves of financial support, donation after donation, and yet instead of uniting to create their own abuse shelters, they focus their efforts on advocating against so-called “TERFs," and calling for women who say "no," to be killed.  Women’s shelters are for women, not for men. Women’s spaces are not soft landings for men to hide from other men.

If men in dresses fear men who do not wear dresses, they should address those issues among themselves, meeting other men and finding solutions.  It’s ironic—these trans-identified males can bully and berate women endlessly, but when it comes to confronting the men they claim to fear, they’re suddenly silent. Instead of standing up to the source of their alleged harm, they run to hide behind women, too weak or unwilling to face the fight on their own terms. The hypocrisy is staggering.

Women’s spaces and sports were designed to provide opportunities, protection, and equity in a world that has historically disadvantaged women. Allowing trans individuals—particularly trans-identified males—to occupy these spaces risks eroding their purpose and undermining the protections they were built to provide. This is an issue of exclusion, and respect is needed for the spaces that women built. Women's spaces are for women and NOT failed men. 

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