
By Marie O’Nealle

Performing femininity does not make someone a woman, nor does rejecting femininity make someone less of a woman. Philosopher Judith Butler’s seminal work on gender performativity offers a critical lens through which to analyze the relationship between femininity and womanhood. Butler posits that gender is not an innate quality but rather a set of repeated actions and behaviors that align with societal norms. In this framework, femininity becomes a performance—a stylized repetition of acts—that aligns individuals with the social category of "woman."
In contemporary society, the notion of womanhood has long been entangled with the performance of femininity. The association is so pervasive that outward displays of femininity—ranging from the way one dresses to how one behaves—are often conflated with the essence of being a woman. This is the world that men set up. Patriarchal structures outlined how women should behave and then punished her for this same behavior with the introduction of flawed gender ideology. Now, Trans Identfied males uphold what they consider to be feminine while shaming women who no longer perform femininity. This is female erasure at its finest and the moving of the goal post has always been a profession that men have excelled in. On one hand, Trans identified males uphold the sexist beliefs that they consider makes a woman a woman, and on the other hand, they shame women for not performing within those constructs that men, like themselves orchestrated. How remarkably bizarre and right in line with the male chaotic brain laced with confusion!  
Reducing womanhood to the performance of culturally dictated feminine norms is reductive to women, as it sets her up to participate in male-generated thoughts of what a woman should be, what she should look like and how she should behave when in his presence. The various tenants of gender ideology would like to have you believe that there is a complex interplay of biology, and gender expression, but there isn't. These so-called complexities are generated to serve the desire of men wishing to act out their perversion and sexual fetishes, wearing the mask of what they consider is womanhood. Their confusion has now become the norm and more young women are peaking because of their vast inconsistencies and obvious addiction to pornograpy. 

porn-sick men


you are the media now