
PART 2- Amara: The Center of Sasha Graham’s Narrative – and the Truth Behind It.

By Ximena Rodríguez-López and Supreme

Brooklyn, NY - For the past year, Amara has been the central figure in Sasha Graham’s narrative, the foundation on which she has built her claims and justification for her actions in defaming the West 4B Movement. Sasha has positioned Amara as both a victim and a key witness in her ongoing attempts to manipulate public perception. However, what she conveniently leaves out is the full story—the truth behind their interactions, the contradictions in Amara’s statements, and the evidence that disproves the narrative Sasha continues to push.

Despite living in entirely different places—Amara in Canada and Sasha in Florida—they both claim to have been brutalized and tortured by the West 4B Movement, an online WhatsApp group based in New York. Despite the fact that none of the women in the group have ever met face-to-face, Sasha insists on pushing the narrative that West 4B is a cult movement, deliberately distorting the truth to fit her agenda. They portray themselves as helpless victims trapped in a dangerous situation, despite having no geographical ties to the group’s location. Yet, their own actions and inconsistencies tell a different story. For a year, this narrative had faded into obscurity—until Sasha decided to rehash it once again. 

Rather than presenting an honest account, Sasha has cherry-picked details to fit her agenda, omitting key facts that would dismantle her claims. She portrays Amara as someone who was coerced, manipulated, brutalized, beaten and trapped, yet fails to explain how Amara willingly engaged, made independent decisions, and even reached out on her own.

Sasha made the choice to start this all over again, so now, the truth will be told. It’s time to separate fact from fiction and expose what Sasha doesn’t want people to know—the real story behind Amara and the role she plays in this orchestrated deception.



Sasha is still using Amara’s name as a shield after getting caught creating a Reddit page. Instead of taking accountability for her shady behavior, she’s now pretending that all of her jealousy is about avenging Amara. this has nothing to do with amara, but more to do with sasha Being jealous that I started The stepping razor and she is still begging for money.

Sasha now claims that Amara just didn’t block me for no reason.

she is right.

Amara BLOCKED me because in the midst of her divorce, she Rekindled the love that she had for the man who gave her SIX children. After that didn’t work out (because he brought his first wife from nigeria to live in canada), Amara purchased Items from my etsy shop and reached out to me. i did not reach out to her.

This is Amara.

also known as Emilie, Raymond, Denise Tukes, Cameron, Justice, “the hacker” and Pinky.

She ordered this cup from my etsy shop after blocking me and then went to a group of women, claiming she was brutalized and forced to buy this cup, which is completely false. She and Sasha Graham now insist that Amara was forced to buy items, forced to leave a review on Etsy, and forced to take this photo and post it because she was supposedly trapped in a dangerous cult. The truth is, Amara was not forced to buy anything, especially not after she had already blocked me. After blocking me, she went back to her husband, and I left her alone. She later purchased items from my Etsy shop, which is how we started talking again. Had she not reached out through her purchases, I would have never contacted her. I wanted nothing to do with her after helping her through her divorce.

Amara, who also goes by the names Pinky, Emilie, Raymond, Justice, Denise Tukes, and Cameron, created an elaborate deception in which she played both herself and an imaginary hacker posing as her lover. She fabricated a non-existent lesbian love triangle, making it seem as though there was another woman out to get me for supposedly interfering in their so-called relationship. However, in reality, there was no hacker and no other person—Amara was behind everything. I received a message from Amara’s supposed lover, instructing me to address Amara, who is also known as Emilie. However, in reality, Amara (emilie) was behind everything, playing both roles in this fabricated story.

PLEASE NOTE: Amara indicated in the screenshot above that she has never met me or saw me in person, but on the video that Sasha posted to her cult website about west 4B, this same amara claims that she saw me and interacted with me and was attacked. none of this is truth.

Despite being a married woman with six children, Amara not only concocted this false narrative but also falsely claimed that she was brutalized and victimized by the West 4B Movement. Now, it’s time to expose the truth about the woman on whom Sasha built her platform.

To begin, here is what Sasha wrote about Amara on the Reddit page she created a year ago to smear West 4B.
Take note—on this very Reddit page, Sasha never once claimed that the West 4B movement was involved in her own sex trafficking. Instead, her primary focus on the Reddit page that she made was the brutality she claimed to witness that happened to Amara. So brutal. A woman in Canada was brutally harmed by a woman in New York and the only time that the police were called was when Amara created a fake profile claiming that she was hospitalized because of a failed suicide attempt. But more on that later. 
In every post, Sasha repeatedly mentions Amara’s alleged brutalization at the hands of West 4B—insisting that this supposed suffering is why she felt a deep, personal duty to warn women about me and my so-called "cult activities."
According to Sasha, Amara was the one true victim.
And in this exposé, we will finally uncover the truth about Amara—dissecting the false accusations that she was brutalized, kidnapped, coerced into giving thousands of dollars, and harmed.

This is what Sasha wrote on the Reddit page about Amara. She claims that amara was doxxed and destroyed. amara (AKA: Emilie, Raymond, Denise Tukes, Cameron and Justice) blocked me and then purchased items from my esty shop AFTER blocking me. she then went on a livestream and cried and said that she was forced to purchase items from my etsy shop and that i stole her information and brutalized her. this is what amara claimed. please keep reading.

In her relentless campaign to smear my name, Sasha Graham has publicly accused me of brutalizing a woman she now portrays as the ONE TRUE VICTIM  in her self-appointed crusade against West 4B. Not only has she falsely alleged that I was connected to the men who trafficked her into the sex trade, but she has also become obsessed with a woman named Amara—insisting that Amara (who also goes by the name of Emilie, Raymond, Denise Tukes, Justice and Cameron,  was kidnapped, tortured, beaten, and robbed by West 4B "movement", despite the undeniable fact that we live in completely different countries. What Sasha is insisting is a dangerous "cult", is actually a  Discord filled with women interested in keeping space with other women. Outside of my most recent birthday party in Brooklyn in February, only two of the 500 women in the Discord ever met in person. 
Interestingly, Sasha insists that I am not a feminist simply because I read The 48 Laws of Power—a book written by a man. And, of course, we all know that in Sasha’s world, it’s strictly forbidden for any radical feminist to read books written by men.

According to her twisted logic, the only acceptable feminist activity is doing pornography with men. Since I didn’t do that and merely read a book, that apparently disqualifies me from being a feminist. In her mind, reading one book by a man is one of my great crimes. After Sasha accused me of this “offense,” a commenter wrote under my post:

“Maybe if she had read the same book, she wouldn’t have been finessed into doing porn.”

And you know what? They were absolutely right.  

I did read The 48 Laws of Power in its entirety, TWICE, and one of its core principles is to guard your reputation with your life. If that reputation is ever smeared or tarnished, the only way to reclaim it is by setting the record straight and presenting the facts.  Ironically, however, Sasha’s own involvement in creating adult content with men somehow earns her the title of “Feminista Extraordinaire.” Point taken.

Since Sasha seems so desperate for me to renounce feminism, I’ll gladly oblige. From this point forward, I’ll step away from feminist discourse and focus solely on news reporting—which, honestly, I’m absolutely thrilled about.

But let’s return to the center of Sasha’s universe—Amara. The woman she clings to like a lifeline, cradling her against her ginormous bosom, hell-bent on avenging her before the world. In an attempt to defend Amara, Sasha has gone to extreme lengths to discredit me—creating two Reddit pages, four blogs, three websites, and at least 20 Twitter posts solely dedicated to smearing my name. And she didn’t stop there. Before I even knew about the Reddit page, she had already orchestrated a mass blocking campaign, instructing numerous radical feminists to cut me off. I only discovered this after visiting their pages, only to find I had been blocked by people I had never even interacted with.

Sasha’s entire narrative hinges on Amara’s story, which she uses repeatedly to vilify me. But let’s examine the facts.
Back in December 2023, after assisting Amara with the extensive paperwork for her divorce, she became overwhelmed and abruptly blocked me on TikTok. I was relieved, as I had been looking for a way to distance myself from the endless drama surrounding Amara—her husband, his other wife (whom he had brought from Nigeria using Amara’s own money), and the ongoing conflict with her adoptive parents, who she claimed had refused to support her during her divorce and had emotionally cut her off. Everyone in Amara's life at this point cut Amara off. She was friendless and had no support. Not even her family wanted to have anything to do with her. 

Why the family-fallout? Amara, who is Black and was adopted as a child in Haiti, launched a smear campaign against her own adoptive parents who are White. According to her, they had been unwilling to help her during her divorce, but the real tipping point came when her husband discovered her TikTok content and alerted them to what she was saying online. Heartbroken by her public accusations of racism, they ultimately chose to step back and let her navigate life on her own. Because of her content on TikTok, her adoptive parents wanted nothing to do with her. 

This is the story Amara herself told me.

After Amara blocked me, I had zero interest in any further drama. I moved on, focusing on my own projects—creating Atheist content and selling handmade items on Etsy.

Before I dive into this, keep in mind the saying: “If you tell the truth, you don’t need a good memory.”

Prior to blocking me in December, I had briefly hinted at my plans to launch a West 4B initiative in the United States. Amara, with her usual performative enthusiasm, claimed she was interested, but her commitment was inconsistent at best. She would express excitement one day, then completely disengage the next. After all, this is a woman with 6 children and going through a divorce. I get it. I started working on my app and minding my business. I didn't call her, didn't engage with her and happy when I looked at my phone and saw text messages NOT coming from her. My own family told me to shake her because I was spending too much time engulfed in her divorce, working my own job and doing what I wanted to do. Amara, unemployed had copius amount of time on her hands. 

Despite her indecisiveness, I mentioned that I was in the process of developing an app for the West 4B movement. Suddenly, Amara jumped at the idea, insisting that she wanted to purchase the app herself and had already paid a developer to start working on it. She wanted to do this as a gesture of gratitude for my support during her divorce. But I never expected or wanted anything in return—I helped her simply because she needed it. Honestly, all I wanted was for Amara to leave me alone.

This grand gesture of purchasing an app for someone she barely knew was alarming. From the very beginning, I told her she didn’t owe me anything for the help I had given her. Fast forward to February 2024—despite having blocked me, Amara resurfaced after lurking on my TikTok page, much like how she’s been lurking on this very website, as evidenced by the IP address linked to her location in Canada.

 Amara lurks and snoops and hides and then claims that she is a victim and how everyone hates her. That is what she does. Her life was still in shambles—her adoptive parents had disowned her after she falsely accused them of racism in an attempt to gain TikTok fame, she was still entangled in a messy divorce while caring for six children, and yet, she continued to present herself as a savior for other women, despite desperately needing help herself. 

I repeatedly advised her to step back, focus on her postpartum recovery, and prioritize her well-being, but she refused. At one point, when she admitted feeling overwhelmed, I even suggested she allow the majority of her children to stay with their father for some relief. She initially agreed, but by December, she was right back where she started inviting all of the children home and then claiming victimhood. This is when Amara blocked me. 

Amara also known as: Raymond, Emilie, Justice, “the hacker” “Denise Tukes”, Pinky and cameron still lives in canada and visits my page very Frequently.

According to Sasha, Amara was so brutalized by me, but for some reason, found herself ordering items from my etsy shop AFTER she blocked me. Here is proof. Screenshots show Amara (AKA: Raymond, Denise, Cameron, Justice and the hacker) purchasing items from my Etsy shop, only to later claim that she was forced to make these purchases. She alleged that she did so because she was in her postpartum period and feeling confused and vulnerable. I insisted that she take a step back, reassuring her that I had West 4B under control and that everything was fine. But Amara refused. She wanted to be involved. She was never pressured to participate in some so-called “cult,” as Sasha falsely claimed on the Reddit page. i always checked in with her despite her giving me the cold-Shoulder whenever she Rekindled things with her husband.

After we reconnected, Amara updated me on her divorce, expressing how happy she was. At this time, i was not interested in hearing from her. I wanted her gone from my life because she was found to be a liar. she once claimed that she had a restraining order against her husband and i found out that these claims were not true.

This is one of the cups that Amara (AKA: Raymond, Denise, Cameron, Justice and the hacker), ordered from me. She later cried to a group a women and claimed that she was brutalized and forced to buy this cup. she was not. She and Sasha claim that Amara was forced to buy items, forced to leave the review on ETSY and forced to take this photo and post it because she was in a dangerous cult. Amara was NOT forced to purchase Items on my ETSY page AFTER she blocked me. She blocked me, went back to her beloved husband and I left her alone. She purchased items and that is how we started talking again. I would have never reached out to her because I did not want anything to do with her after I helped her with her divorce.

After I spent days helping her with her extensive Divorce paperwork over zoom for FREE, amara won in her Divorce and I was happy for her, even though at this time of us starting to speak again, I no longer wanted to interact with her at all. I knew that if I broke ties Aggressively, she would do exactly what she did to her parents and husband to me. Once she falls out with you because she is not a nice person, she smears your name and Suggests that she was your victim. She did the same shit to her adoptive parents.

Amara (who has numerous phone numbers and changes her numbers every 3 business days) was Ecstatic that her divorced was finalized. She continued to send messages to me about West 4B because it had been gaining popularity on tikTok and she now wanted to be a part of it. she didn’t want to be a part of it when she blocked me in december 2023. she was very interested in contributing even though she was NOT asked to Contribute a DIME.

For the record, Amara was NOT asked to contribute anything to west 4B. She blocked me and saw what I was able to accomplish without her support. Yet, she persisted with wanting to contribute, all to claim later, that she was a victim and forced to. This is the narrative that Sasha has been spewing on reddit for a year. this is the woman that Sasha is defending, but it gets better.

From The Person That Sasha Claims Was Abused And Tormented In The West 4B “Cult”. This Is The Same Person Who Claimed That She Wanted To Sue me But Could Not Do So Because i Was In Another Country. These Are Lies. I Was Always In New York. Amara Cried And Lied To A Bunch Of Women Claiming That She Could Not Sue me To Get Her Money Back Because i Was not in the united states, Even Tho…In This Text Message, She Wanted To Send Items To Where i Was In NEW YORK!!! Amara Claimed That She Wanted To Sue me But Couldn't, Which Is A Lie. she mentions wanting to send items to me in new york, which I did NOT ask her for, nor did I want from her. I did NOT want anything from amara, but she insisted that i Constantly shook her down for money and I did not.

“during the time we didn’t speak” is code for when she blocked me during her divorce proceedings, after i found out that despite her divorce being totally underway and me spending time to complete that paperwork, she Rekindled love for her husband during the holidays, hence the block in december. also, we didn’t start shit together. I mentioned 4B to her in early 2023 and she could care less. we were never friends and i never liked her as a person. I Saw who she was by how her own family treated her and wanted her gone. she told me that her husband told her to go die and her parents cut her off. i also wanted nothing to do with amara at this point.

One day, during one of my livestreams, Amara sent me a frantic message, in tears, claiming that a hacker named "Denise Tukes/Cameron" had targeted me. According to Amara, she met this hacker—a lesbian in the military—on the dating app Pink Cupid in Canada, and after ONE FaceTime call, the "hacker" allegedly gained access to her phone by hacking it and stealing all of MY personal infomation. This "hacker" was able to break into her phone during a phone call and find out that she had been talking to me and this "hacker" wanted revenge. According to Amara, the so-called hacker had one obsession: finding the leader of the West 4B movement and making her “pay” for allegedly having a sexual interest in Amara. Amara lied to this so-called hacker (who, in reality, does not exist—because she was the hacker all along) and said that I wanted an intimate relationship with her, and if you ever saw Amara, you would know that that is not true at all. She fabricated a story, claiming that I had a sexual interest in her and that I wanted to end her relationship with this imaginary hacker. Why would I be interested in a woman who gave a man six kids and got finessed by him for a green card? I had no sexual interest in Amara...none at all. Please believe me. She made up that entire story in her head. 

The truth? Amara orchestrated this entire deception love triangle herself as a way to “expose” me—all because she was upset that I no longer wanted to work with her, despite the fact that she chose to purchase an app I had repeatedly told her not to buy. Amara is hard-headed and very stubborn. Her forehead size says it all. For someone who has no educational background, you would think that she would listen to those who offer advice to her. Similar to her adoptive mother instructing her not to marry a man clearly older than her and looking for a green card, she refused. Amara married that man anyway and then cried and claimed that she was victimized by him. Sound familiar? 

So, to briefly recap this entire mess: I’m located in the United States, while Amara lives in Canada. Yet, Amara publicly claimed that she was brutalized by the West 4B movement—a group she’s never even physically encountered. She claims that she could not sue me because I was in another location, which is false. Amara knew my mailing address because she already looked it up and informed others of my whereabouts. She even messaged me about sending me donations when I was in New York, but she got on a Livestream and cried that she was not able to sue me because I was in another country, which was not true. See screenshot below. 

In reality, the text messages clearly show that Amara was experiencing significant financial issues due to her husband, who had convinced her to open a joint bank account. He then withdrew money from a house they co-owned and transferred it to another account that Amara couldn’t access. She explained he did this because she was reckless with money, always finding some new cause to throw cash at. She claims to be smart, but how does that happen to a "smart" woman? He then used the money that he took from the house to purchase another property where he moved his wife from Nigeria and his other children in. All of this is from what Amara told me. She should have listened to the White adoptive mother that she was all over the internet defaming.  

Feeling rejected after I no longer wanted to engage with her, Amara concocted an elaborate story about a hacker, claiming this hacker was fixated on exposing me to the West 4B audience. In reality, there was no hacker—Amara herself was behind it all. She fabricated conversations, even falsely claiming I had a sexual interest in her and that I was jealous of her relationship with this imaginary hacker. According to her fantasy, the hacker intended to reveal my supposed inappropriate behavior toward Amara.

None of it was true. The entire deception was engineered by Amara to damage my reputation out of spite because she was upset that like the other people in her life, I wanted to have nothing to do with her. Amara is friendless for a reason. 

Back to the story:

At first, I humored Amara’s claims. I asked her to set up a three-way call with this supposed hacker.

Amara called the hacker “eight times,” but the call never went through. Each time, she would dramatically yell “hello, hello” into the phone, only to hang up moments later.

She repeated this act over and over, all while I watched in real-time after insisting that we conduct this on a Zoom call—so that others could witness firsthand what was really happening.  I then asked for the hacker’s number so I could call myself. Amara gave me a number and when I called it, there was no answer. It didn’t take long for me to connect the dots: Amara was the hacker. She had fabricated this elaborate story because she was angry with me. Passive-aggressive and indirect, she carefully bided her time, waiting for the perfect moment to gather enough support before taking her accusations public.

When the tide started to turn on West 4B—mainly because more women were stepping up to create their own 4B movements—Amara finally saw her opportunity. That’s when she found her audience to cry to, seizing the moment to push her victim narrative. When I confronted her, she cried and denied everything. Meanwhile, I was receiving messages from the so-called hacker, who was clearly Amara speaking to herself.
This is the woman that Sasha Graham built her entire platform around—a woman responsible for more chaos than I can even put into words. In response to Amara’s games, I finally addressed the situation on my own platform. But not before holding a Zoom call with multiple women to ensure there were witnesses to our conversation—so that Amara couldn’t later twist the truth.

Before this call, however, the “hacker” (Amara herself) sent me a message claiming she (Amara) had never met me in person (see above). Yet, to a group of 200+ people, Amara had insisted she met me in Canada, that I robbed and abused her, and that I coerced her into donating to West 4B. She even alleged that I forced her to participate and buy my items against her will. Also note, the hacker insinuated that there was some weird love-affair between Amara and I and that could not be farther from the truth. After Amara came up with this elaborate story of her knowing a hacker who wanted to expose me on TikTok, I attempted to get ahead of the situation by exposing the truth—it was Amara who was the so-called hacker, and her goal was to doxx me. Naturally, she didn’t like that.

In response, she created multiple fake accounts and began contacting me while pretending to be other people, demanding that I remove her photo from my page.

But why should I?

She had been pretending to be a hacker whose sole mission was to expose me—which she did after she was contacted by myself and other women on a Zoom call that I set up because I needed witnesses. If those women were not there, Amara would have claimed a new story. But they were all there and all saw what Amara had done. 

This is the juicy part that Sasha loves to talk about.

After Amara was confronted during the Zoom call and presented with undeniable proof that there was no hacker, she ran. She disconnected from the call, unable to defend her fabricated story, and then sent me this message directly from her phone. Notice that amara has numerous phone numbers. after this message was sent to me, i was blocked and contacted by amara from yet, another phone number. joy and other women were on the zoom call the night that amara was confronted about the hacker situation. denise is the name associated with the number that amara said was the hacker. denise is the number that i attempted to call on three-way, but of course there was no answer because there was no denise. it was amara all along.

After being exposed in that Zoom call, she ran and sent a message to my phone, claiming she wanted to kill herself. Then, after hiding for a few days, she resurfaced under a new profile, suddenly calling herself “Justice” and pretending to be Amara’s friend. But we all know that’s a lie—because Amara doesn’t have any friends. This fake “Justice” persona then claimed that Amara had attempted suicide after the Zoom call, was hospitalized, and that I needed to remove my posts exposing her as the hacker.

I’m leaving the numbers visible so that Sasha can’t later claim these messages were fabricated. After all, if she was bold enough to falsely accuse me of sex-trafficking her all over America, what wouldn’t she say?

Let’s be clear: Amara and I aren’t even in the same country, and Sasha and I aren’t even in the same state. For Sasha to claim that I brutalized her as part of some “West 4B cult” is nothing more than a calculated distraction from the truth. If I truly knew the men who trafficked Sasha for sex when she was a minor, where is the investigation? Where are the police reports?

Surely, if Sasha had any real evidence, she wouldn’t hesitate to bring the woman she claims was connected to her trafficking to justice, right?

And let’s not forget Sasha’s habit of infiltrating spaces just to push her agenda. In every WhatsApp group, people receive a link to join. Sasha joined twice, using two different profiles—one where she wore shades and another with an animated version of herself. She will lie and say that I made these profiles of her to stalk her and speak with the men who sex-trafficked her, but that is untrue. 

The message that Sasha sent to 100+ women in the West 4B whatsAPP group. the message that she claimed she never sent.

The WhatsAPP link was sent to Sasha and she joined from TWO different numbers. later, she claimed that I worked with the men who sex-trafficked her, stalked her and then added these men to the whatsApp group. Links were given for women to join and hold space. It was sasha who had multiple numbers but pretended that i generated these numbers and had men come in and harm her. Hence her website claiming that women should take caution when dealing with me…at this point, Sasha will claim that I also gave birth to her and abandoned her to get trafficked by these men. Sasha will literally say anything. I had done nothing to her personally other than block her and from that ONE BLOCK, I got Multiple reddit pages, 3 websites and more. desperation.

After Amara ran and hid, she resurfaced under a new profile using the name Justice. Under one of my posts, in an attempt to smear my name out of anger over being exposed as the hacker, Justice (Amara) claimed that Amara (herself) had been hospitalized after the Zoom meeting hosted by me. The same Zoom meeting that she disconnected from and claimed she wanted to harm herself. According to this fabricated story, the Zoom meeting had allegedly driven her to attempt suicide and she was hospitalized because of it.

Naturally after so many people read that comment written by Justice, everyone rushed to check the Zoom recording, and concerned individuals contacted the police to ensure Amara was safe. When the authorities arrived at her residence, guess who was not hospitalized but instead just chilling at home? Yes...Amara.

The entire claim that she harmed herself because of me was completely false. The police confirmed to all of us that she was fine and was not in the hospital, exposing yet another lie.

Sasha, of course, was not present for any of this. She had already been blocked, and we hoped she would simply go away. Instead, she twisted the truth on her blog, falsely claiming that we had harassed Amara by sending the police to her home. We did no such thing. Amara fabricated a story claiming that she had harmed herself and out of concern the police were sent to check on her. This is the brutilization that Sasha claims Amara endured in the "cult". Amara was in hiding because she was so embarrassed. So imagine a post like that on my page (from Justice, which is Amara herself) and no one hears from Amara for days on end. People will claim that Supreme was the on responsible for hurting her.  In an attempt to prove that Amara was lying about being in the hospital. The police were called to confirm she was okay, and this is what Sasha is calling brutalization. Sure. 

The only reason the police were involved was because of Amara’s own alarming claims—claims that were proven to be false the moment officers found her safe and unharmed at home. These claims that she had attempted suicide and was in the hospital were posted publically on my page, so I addressed it publically and in the Zoom for everyone to hear. I did this in an attempt to clear my name of any wrongdoing. I did not push Amara to attempt suicide. Amara was upset that she was exposed in her lie, and her next  bet was to expose me for whatever reason. I reached out to everyone to help Amara, but again, her family doesn't even like her. She once told me that after she gave birth, her husband told her to go die. The police were called to check on her, not to harass her like Sasha wants you all to believe. 

Sasha conveniently left this part of the story out. Sasha never discusses Amara's behavior and the multiple women that saw what Amara was doing because she was upset. Sasha latched onto the Amara story for a year and now we are getting to the bottom of it. 

This is Amara’s page that she used to post that she (amara) was hospitalized after a suicide attempt after speaking on zoom. Amara posted this Publicly in my comment section and i dealt with it Publicly. the police were called to check on amara, not to Harass her. sasha made sure to not mention this at all on her reddit page or website. because amara went into hiding, i could not let a comment about her being in the hospital because of a failed suicide attempt fly. amara wanted the public to believe that she Committed suicide because of me. that is how far she went. she wanted for me to be associated with her suicide. The police were called, and she was confirmed to be okay and i made sure to record the conversation with the police after sending them her text message. Because she went into hiding after she was found to be the hacker, she ran and hid. So, it looked like she actually did hurt herself, when she did not.

I never asked Amara for a single dime. She was so grateful for my help with her divorce—assisting her, supporting her, and handling her paperwork—that she voluntarily offered to purchase the app for West 4B. Remember, Amara is friendless, familyless and had no support. Her birth mother had given her up and her adoptive mother cut her off. She had no one and I helped her and did not want anything in return. She didn't have one friend in her corner at this time, and even though I was NEVER her friend either, everyone who came in contact with Amara felt sorry for her. She started every introduction with the story of her being robbed from her mother's arms in Haiti and adopted by racist White people who made her life hell. We all found out that this was not true and it was her adoptive parents who purchased the home that she and her kids lived in. Amara is not college-educated. Her first priority upon reaching adulthood was to marry an older Nigerian man who needed Canadian citizenship—a decision her mother had explicitly warned her against—and to have multiple children.

I never asked anything from her, yet Sasha is determined to push a false narrative, insisting otherwise. 

The reality is, we all felt sorry for both Amara and Sasha. Which is what they both wanted. They wanted to be seen as strong women and that is why their tragic stories were told at every venture. They are strikingly similar in that their entire introduction to people revolves around a story of tragedy—Amara with her adoption woes, and Sasha with her tales of sex trafficking and drug abuse.  She even falsely claimed that I wasn’t in New York when, in fact, I was after she blocked me in December, she didn't know where I was. I didn't alert her.  I didn't speak to her because I didn't like her. I helped her and wanted for her to go away. If she truly believed I had wronged her financially, she could have sued me back then—but she didn’t. Amara has my mailing address and access to funds, she could have sued me for the app but she didn't. Amara told people where I lived in New York, so she could have easily sued me for the app, but did not. 

During the Zoom call, when Amara was directly asked if she wanted a refund for the app and whether we could arrange a trade-off to ensure she would NEVER contact me again, she declined multiple times.

Rather than accepting closure, she found it more beneficial to play the victim, pretending that I had stolen from her when that was never the case. Despite multiple opportunities to recoup her money, she insisted that she didn’t want a refund for anything she had purchased.

Fast forward to a TikTok Live, and suddenly, Amara is crying and claiming that she’s looking to sue me because I supposedly owe her money.

This is the woman Sasha is defending.

This is why Sasha is obsessively creating websites left and right—despite the fact that she was never harmed by me. Yet, she desperately wants women to believe that I somehow played a role in her being trafficked for sex—a claim that makes zero sense considering that before we met on TikTok, I didn’t even know she existed.

We are from two completely different states, and Amara isn’t even in the same country.

A screenshot of proof that Amara was refunded money that she gave a woman in need, after amara complained that she was not thanked by the woman Publicly. The woman didn’t thank her publicaly because the woman never liked amara at all. amara was trying to yet again, buy “friendships” and it backfired.

Prior to the Zoom call, Amara had voiced frustraions over giving another random woman on TikTok money. The woman in question had a family emergency in Trinidad and sought help from her TikTok family. The woman in question never liked Amara and even said that she despised her. Amara took it upon herself to send the woman money via her husband. 
After Amara did this, the woman in question thanked everyone for helping her but she did not thank Amara personally. But why would she thank Amara personally? She didn't like Amara and the money that Amara spent was sent to this woman'a husband. 
Amara was pissed, claiming that she had given this woman money and that the woman didn't thank her publicaly. After this was made known to the ladies in the group. Everyone quickly rushed to give Amara back her money that she gave in fake support. But this is Amara's behavior. Because she is not liked, she gives money to people expecting that payment to make them loyal to her despite them not liking who she is as a person, and no one likes who Amara is as a person, not even her own birth mother or her adoptive mother. There has been numerous attempts to speak to Amara out in the open, but she refuses, she blocks and she hides. When this was all happening on TikTok, I publicly asked for everyone to invite Amara to speak with me. I wanted for everyone to get the truth of the situation and Amara blocked me because she never wanted to have a public conversation with me. She hid behind women who used her for information and then got rid of her when they saw her services no longer needed. She did all of that crying, and all of that, "Supreme hurt me during my postpartum period and ruined my life," for nothing. From what I was told, not ONE of those ladies whom she cried to, speaks to her today, and if they do speak to her, you better believe that she is paying them or giving them some sort of cash to be her "friend".
After she was exposed in the Zoom (not on TikTok), she ran and then went on to make a slew of fake profiles. From those profiles she sent me message after message and then blocked me so that I couldn't respond. Here are some screenshots: 

After Amara sent me these messages, she would later block me and then delete the account. Here, she claims that I was never her friend. She is correct, I was never her friend, nor did I ever want to be.

From the innocent woman that sasha claims to be defending

Women who sent me screenshots of random messages that they Received from Sasha were quickly ejected out of the group with the same Message. If sasha can lead women better, than be a part of her movement instead. i don’t need a “following” because I have nothing to prove unlike Sasha does. she needs to be in charge and it is good that she takes on that stress onto herself. i love that for her.

a message from Hannah. I Received this same type of message from numerous women and told them all to follow sasha instead. the fact that sasha made a reddit page and went on a smear Campaign after this is because despite her doing something this slimy, to a person that never did anything personally to her, she didn’t get the response that she wanted. none of the women left the whatsapp group and after the last one was discarded, another one was made and from that one, the stepping razor was formed.

This article contains opinions and analysis based on available information. It is not intended to defame, misrepresent, or harm any individual or entity


witch shit?


profit feminist