Radical Feminism Series

Spiritual Capitalism/Religious Trauma & Male Ideology Series

Human Beings are constantly giving up their POWER. Whether it be to a God in the sky OR to the Universe itself. Human Beings are always in a perpetual state of relinquishing responsibility. They relinquish responsibility for their THOUGHTS, which lead to their actions, which essentially play out in their lives. These actions are NOT based in reality but in the delusion world, that the male set up to distract Womyn from their reality. This introductory course will begin the discussion on what Spiritual Capitalism/Religious Trauma & Male Ideology Series is, and how we can start the dialogue surrounding true FREEDOM .*

*Course material to be provided. Discussion to be held via Zoom (Space Limited)

Female Erasure Seminar and "Language Refusal" Series

“Uterus Holder”, “Chest Feeder” and “Person Who Bleeds” are all new terms outlined in our society today to define what a BIOLOGICAL Womyn is. This workshop series will educate you on the importance of language and how to reject ‘male-centered suggestions’ regarding new terms that are being implemented into law and into our healthcare systems. This course will educate you on the perpetual persistence of the male to erase the female and the deep-seated misogyny behind it. You will also be educated on how to REJECT this “new” language and stand in TRUTH.

*Course material to be provided. Discussion to be held via Zoom (Space Limited)

Education on The Importance Of FEMALE (XX) ONLY SPACES Series

In this series, we will examine the importance of WOMYN (ADULT HUMAN FEMALE) spaces and how they should be gatekept within our society. Creating space and holding the line for GIRLS and WOMYN is essential to their sense of visibility in a world that discriminates against them because of their sex.

*Course material to be provided. Discussion to be held via Zoom (Space Limited)